According to the annual investigation of the American website “Price of Travel”, Sofia is the cheapest destination for tourism in Europe. You need to pay at least 23.71 dollars per day in order to reside in the capital of Bulgaria.

The American website also report that behind Sofia and Bulgaria, the cheapest destination is the city of Krakow in Poland with a budget of 23.83 dollars per day and the Hungarian capital, Budapest , where you will need to have a budget of 30.05 dollars per day in order to reside.
Here is the rest of the ranking list:
- Warsaw – $ 31.52
- Bucharest – $ 31.79
- Istanbul – $ 38.19
- St. Petersburg – $ 39.49
- Prague – $ 43.61
- Zagreb – $ 43.64
- Moscow – $ 44.80
The most expensive cities are Zurich ($ 118.78), Oslo ($ 103.51) and Stockholm ($ 96.37).
The cost index for a day includes the night in a low-cost hotel conveniently located, two trips using public transport, the visit of an attraction, 3 snacks and 3 beers or 3 glasses of wine.